Institut Agama Kristen Negeri IAIN TarutungK

Company Profile

The presence of STAKPN Tarutung is a tangible manifestation of the hopes and prayers of the Christian community that has long desired the establishment of a State Christian Religious College. STAKPN Tarutung is here to prepare students to be faithful servants of God, possessing maturity and resilience in faith, having an ecumenical perspective, and being capable of mastering knowledge relevant to their field of study and chosen programs, as well as other related sciences. Students are expected to develop and utilize this knowledge for the implementation of church ministry tasks and their service duties in various areas of life.


(2022) Procurement of My book, Procurement of Poly Blackwire, Procurement of Projector PA503W, Procurement of Asus Server. Procurement of devices such as "My Book," "Poly Blackwire," "Projector PA503W," and "Asus Server" is an important part of managing information technology and hardware requirements in various organizations.